Research Data Analyst
Climate, Atmospheric Science & Physical Oceanography
- Numerical Weather Prediction - Mesoscale simulations for operational and research applications
- Atmospheric Dynamics - Physical processes on synoptic- and meso-scales
- Meteorological Applications - Dispersion modeling and vector-borne disease prediction
- B.S. (Atmospheric Sciences) University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
- 通假字全收录: 1——2:2021-3-6 · 文言文中的成语: 2——3 重点课文重点语句 3——14 重点文言句子翻译 14——17 综合复习 17——22 历伋名句 22——39 名著常识名句集锦 39——50
- Ph.D. (Atmospheric Sciences) Ohio State University, 2011